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Privacy & Cookies
Nibble takes privacy seriously, and tries to minimize the use of personal data.
If you are intending to use Nibble on your site, we recommend adding the following section on Cookies to your own privacy policy.
We use cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user experience and ensure the proper functioning of our services.
Strictly Necessary Cookies
These cookies are essential for the website’s functionality and cannot be disabled in our systems. They are usually set in response to actions made by you, such as logging in or completing forms.
- ’nibble’: We set a temporary cookie named ’nibble’ to detect repeat negotiations and determine whether a user is accessing Nibble multiple times. This cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of the negotiation process and expires after 3 hours. It is classified as necessary under GDPR regulations and does not require user consent for usage.
Privacy Policy
The use of Nibble, by both retailers and consumers, is covered by our Privacy Policy